
I only recommend practitioners that I have had treatments with or know and concur with their approach:

Acupuncture: Selwyn Wong Doo //

This has a very high success rate for turning breech babies, preparing the pregnant body for labour or induction, and resolving pregnancy ailments such as nausea, symphysis pubis dysfunction and varicose veins/haemorrhoids.

Hypnobirthing: Claire Yee

Auckland hypnobirthing

Hypnobirthing is a fantastic supplement to using yoga to prepare for birth. It is especially helpful for those with major fears about giving birth and pain. Partners are significantly involved, so useful if you have one who needs training up!

Osteopathy: Gracela Gregorio

Osteopathy is a method of bringing balance to body that is very gentle and suitable for pregnant mums. The subtle adjustments can help to resolve issues like back pain, reflux and rib-pain. Cranial osteopathy is highly recommend for babies as well and can make a huge difference to those suffering colic, reflux, constipation and problems with feeding and sleeping.

Pregnancy Massage:

Amazing massage by fully qualified pregnancy specialists. Yes, you do deserve a massage that eases pains and promotes healthy pregnancy and birth. Fantastic gift idea, even if you have it suggest to friends and family. Regular therapeutic massage is worth every cent in pregnancy.