Amazing Births
Inspiring birth stories from ladies attending the Birth Workshops
Just writing to let you know that I had a baby girl on Friday 7th November at 6.27pm, born 4 days before her due date. 7 pounds, 2 ounces. The birth was really wonderful. 3 hours of latent phase, then 6 hours of active labour, with baby born in the pool in the lounge at home. I spent much of the early labour outside on the lawn in the sun, and my waters didn’t break until just before the crowning. Just about every contraction I wanted be on my hands and knees, and that was how I pushed her out in the pool, no stitches needed!
The yoga for birth class really helped to build my confidence for birthing at home, especially the fear release exercise. I used a lot of deep yoga breathing in between contractions, and lots of low noise during. The pushing breathing you taught us was also super helpful for the last bit, very recommended! I feel super blessed to have been able to have such a great birth in my own home. Thank you so much for all your help and wisdom, what you do is a real gift for pregnant women, and I am so glad to have been able to come to your yoga classes. It really helped to nurture a positive pregnancy and birth for me.
precious moments after birth
Wanted to let you know that our little man arrived safely last night just after midnight…Joshua, weighing 3.4kg. Birth was great, 2 hours in hospital, even managed to get in the bath! Breathing and positions helped heaps, especially trying to keep things from going too quickly. Thanks so much! We are enjoying our time at birthcare for next few days.
Sarah x

seconds after natural delivery
Hi Gabriel,
Our little boy arrived yesterday at 4:12pm, had an absolutely perfect birth! 4:45 hours in labour – was 7cm dilated when we left home and arrived at the birthing centre in helensville and got straight into the pool (heaven)…45 minutes of pushing and he was here. I have to say the hugest thank you to you, the yoga workshop + yoga + your wisdom were all strongly embedded in all that I did. I feel so lucky to have had such an amazing, positive birth with absolutely no pain relief! It’s a great story to share for any anxious mothers (as I was before your course!)
Anna xx
The techniques work well for induced labours as well:
Hi Gabriel
Hi Gabriel,
Just to let you know we finally got the baby girl we’ve been barely daring to hope for today! This labour was empowering – managed to juggle movement and rest well, visualization of the baby heading out into the world was a good motivator.
No caesarean or ventouse needed this time and only a “graze” for a tear. I found it really useful to visualize blowing that balloon like we did at the workshop, when the pushing sensation took hold. I was worried about my competence at pushing after my other babies got stuck, but this time I had to be told to half push! Thank you so much for your support during this pregnancy, I have greatly appreciated your emails as I juggled my 2 preschoolers needs with my pregnancy needs.
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I absolutely LOVED the birth workshop. I cannot rate it highly enough, I wish it was compulsory for all pregnant ladies! Not only did I really enjoy the yoga that we practiced and meeting the other expectant mums, but I also felt less scared about labour and very empowered. I went to the birth workshop a week before my baby Alfie decided to make a surprise appearance, 5 weeks early! My labour was less than 2 hours and went from 0 to 100 very quickly and I found the breathing techniques that we practiced really helped to calm me. In a practical sense, the positions that I learnt and the confidence I’d gained during the workshop help me to remain active throughout my labour. I feel incredibly lucky to have attended the workshop and subsequently feel so lucky to have had a positive birthing experience.
The midwives said my pushing was really effective and they were a bit shocked that there was no tearing! I think that the yoga workshop has a lot to do with that.
Thank you so much for all of your amazing advice, you do such awesome work for us pregnant ladies.
Kat, physiotherapist